Sunday 5 June 2011

Dresses Galore

Sooooo events of the week, I buy a dress..... Well I have brought a few dresses! But first off I’d like to make a very sarcastic thank you to DP for failing to inform your customers that nice Mad Men style dresses come with embarrassing Marilyn Monroe moments... countless actually!
The culprit:

For future reference – can only be work successfully in Space!

To understand the significance of this next buy, you will have to be privy to a little bit of present history. Having been measured a couple of years ago for probably the third time in my entire life, (one of those being the counting of 10 fingers and toes).... I always took an estimate of how tall I was – whenever I was asked, I’d reply “oh... about  5”2.”
Little did I know a helping hand on a nurses dissertation would follow a re-evaluated growth spurt of 3 inches.....
And while in some places 5”5 is still classed within the short category, I was pleased when trying this next dress on to find I – yes a short person was just that tad bit too tall. But after walking away – no sooner was I to return with the decision “well I just won’t wear heels with it” (Holiday buy no.2 Whoooo)

This one I may make a return journey for....

And well this.... if you have read the previous posts will know I am soon to e an aunty and baby fever is starting to take over a little bit. We are yet to find out the sex, but if statistics were the prime factor it is going to be a girl! But until we are sure uni-sex clothing buys only... humphhh